Sometime when rotoscoping, you’ll want to extend the edge of your shape to avoid the background colors bleeding onto your subject.
For example, if you’re cutting out a person from a greenscreen backdrop, and blur pixels around the edge, you may get some green pixels that make it in there.
By extending your edge, you can avoid that.
There are a few ways to accomplish that in Fusion, and Chadwick walks us through a couple in this video.
In this video from Editing Playbook, you’ll learn about:
- Multiply by mask
- Using a Clean Plate
- Alpha Divide & Blur
Gedaly is the Founder and Lead Educator of and is Blackmagic Design Certified Master Trainer. He’s edited commercials for major brands and has done color & VFX for independent films. He consults on post-production workflow and creating online education. Gedaly is the co-founder of Working.Actor, a former marketing manager for large brands, and creates original film projects with his production company Razee.