Want to learn how to animate a logo for a video?
Using some basic motion graphics design techniques in Fusion, you can make a pretty cool intro for a video.
Once you understand the basic types of nodes and how to use them, you can do a lot very quickly.
It’s worth spending some time following along with this video and fiddling with more settings along the way so you get a solid grasp of the essential Fusion tools.
In this video from Casey Faris, you’ll learn about:
- Adding a background
- Hiding page navigation
- Adding image from media pool
- Resizing with Transform
- Keyframe basics
- Changing settings in Keyframe Panel
- Isolating parts of the logo with masks
- Masking animation
- Creating easing animation with Splines
- Canvas sizing
- Drawing a polygon mask
- Creating texture with FastNoise
- Animating with Expressions

Gedaly is the Founder and Lead Educator of DVResolve.com and is Blackmagic Design Certified Master Trainer. He’s edited commercials for major brands and has done color & VFX for independent films. He consults on post-production workflow and creating online education. Gedaly is the co-founder of Working.Actor, a former marketing manager for large brands, and creates original film projects with his production company Razee.