Want more control over your Fusion comps while working quicker? Expressions can help!
Expressions are a tool that allow any parameter to use math to generate results, or link values to another control.
That could be as simple as linking the height and width of a rectangle, or being able to adjust the size of several elements at once.
In this video from Learn Color Grading, you’ll learn about:
- Understanding what Expression help us achieve
- Linking properties in the same node
- Linking properties in different nodes
- Randomizing values
- Fusion Expression Cheat Sheet
- Simple Expressions Cookbook
Gedaly is the Founder and Lead Educator of DVResolve.com and is Blackmagic Design Certified Master Trainer. He’s edited commercials for major brands and has done color & VFX for independent films. He consults on post-production workflow and creating online education. Gedaly is the co-founder of Working.Actor, a former marketing manager for large brands, and creates original film projects with his production company Razee.