Curious about how to use Fusion within Resolve? Check out this official training video.
This video is part of the official Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve 15 training series and will teach you how to use the Fusion page in DaVinci Resolve to create visual effects. Designed with help from certified trainers and professional visual effects artists, this video teaches you the fundamental concepts of the Fusion interface and its node based toolset. You’ll learn how to composite images, track objects, blend and merge layers, pull keys, work with 2D text, and use the paint tools.
In this official training video from Blackmagic Design, you’ll learn about:
- 00:32 Interface
- 04:25 Understanding Nodes
- 06:15 Organizing Nodes
- 07:02 Adding Nodes
- 10:27 Accessing Clips Inside Fusion Page
- 12:00 Importing Media from Media Pool
- 12:38 Understanding the Merge Node
- 14:04 Merge Node Inputs
- 14:56 Compositing with the Merge Node
- 15:44 Adjusting Image Scale and Position
- 16:25 Using the Inspector
- 18:03 How Nodes Effect Each Other
- 19:15 Effects Mask
- 20:45 Building a Title
- 21:27 Text Node
- 24:40 Stylizing Text
- 26:58 Animating with Keyframes
- 30:30 Adjusting Keyframes with Keyframe Editor and Spline Editors
- 34:04 Intro to Tracking
- 36:00 Using Composite Modes
- 37:40 2D Tracker Node
- 39:56 Compositing with the Tracker Node
- 41:00 Creating a Travel Matte
- 43:58 Intro to Green Screen Compositing
- 44:16 Using Select Tool Shortcut
- 46:25 Swapping Merge Node Inputs
- 47:32 Renaming Nodes
- 48:10 Organizing the Node Editor
- 49:26 Group Nodes
- 50:20 Underlay Nodes
On Blackmagic Design’s Resolve Training page you can also download the video and project files.

Gedaly is the Founder and Lead Educator of and is Blackmagic Design Certified Master Trainer. He’s edited commercials for major brands and has done color & VFX for independent films. He consults on post-production workflow and creating online education. Gedaly is the co-founder of Working.Actor, a former marketing manager for large brands, and creates original film projects with his production company Razee.
This may be a dumb question, but why would we want learn about DaVinci 15? Aren’t there 2, nearly 3, updates since then?