Running into compositing challenges while keying? Here are some workflow tips that will help.
Getting a great key, especially for a complex shot, is not a one node job. There are several steps needed to get the best possible result.
You may be experiencing lighting issues, jagged edges, grainy footage, green spill, or other common keying challenges.
In this video from VFXstudy, you’ll learn about:
- 02:22 – Preprocessing – Noise Removal and Color Correction
- 07:08 – Delta Keyer Basic Setup
- 08:38 – Clean Plate Tool
- 12:14 – Garbage and Solid Masks
- 19:26 – Despill
- 25:07 – Combining Despill, Mask and Background
- 27:27 – Background Matching
- 32:53 – Foreground Correction
- 35:05 – Edge Corrections and Edge Masks
- 43:38 – Complete Flow Walkthrough

Gedaly is the Founder and Lead Educator of and is Blackmagic Design Certified Master Trainer. He’s edited commercials for major brands and has done color & VFX for independent films. He consults on post-production workflow and creating online education. Gedaly is the co-founder of Working.Actor, a former marketing manager for large brands, and creates original film projects with his production company Razee.